
The Social Booth: A Case Study

The Social Booth: A Case Study

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One of our biggest clients, Palram, just launch a new social marketing solution, creating specialized social media campaigns for their worldwide distributors in order generating new leads for them.

The Challenge

While we were able to derive design inspiration from Palram’s innovative approach to social marketing, we had a physical challenge with the booth’s location in the show hall due to it being a linear booth. It is always a challenge to make linear booths stand out because they have less sight lines and points of ingress.

This time we literally had to think outside the box whilst creatively showcasing Palram’s new digital marketing concept – DigiPal.

The Social Notion

What occurred to us is that social media is a very personal experience, where individuals browse and interact with the world on their own devices, in their own, private way. So, a booth showcasing a new social solution could feel both private and personalized as long as it was highly interactive and engaging.

To execute this concept, we added circular seating where staff and visitors could interact freely with those around them and answer questions on an induvial OR social way.

But our favorite idea was the social lead generator. We set up a photo booth on which was inscribed, “Get your professional headshot” and said they would be emailed to each guest. In order to receive these headshots, guests had to submit their email addresses. This was a win-win for our client and their guests, offering value to the guests and a long list of new leads for Palram.


Our client raved that many leads were generated through this booth and they were thrilled!

Contact us today to get started on your own lead-generating booth![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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